How to make effective play lists for blind users

How to make effective play lists for blind users
Creating playlists for blind users requires a bit of extra consideration to ensure that the playlists are accessible and easy to use. Here are a few tips:
Use clear and descriptive titles: Make sure that the title of your playlist includes information about the theme or genre of the songs included.
Include detailed song descriptions: Provide a detailed description of each song in the playlist, including information about the artist, album, and any notable features of the song.
Use alternative formats: Consider providing audio descriptions of the playlist, and ensure that the format of the playlist is accessible to screen readers.
Use proper tags and metadata: Use the appropriate tags and metadata for each song in the playlist, including genre, mood, and BPM, so that screen readers can easily access that information.
Utilize proper playlists player: Use a player that support accessibility features like providing audio cues for each button press, setting for larger text and font, simple layout etc.
Test and get feedback: Test the playlist with blind users and get feedback, and make any necessary adjustments to improve accessibility.
Creating accessible playlists requires extra attention to detail, but it’s an important step in making music more inclusive for all listeners.

Kevin Brown is a blind, jazz saxophonist…
With over 40 years of professional experience,...Kevin has developed an intense, improvive style of playing.
His unique sound is both soothing, and captivating to the listener…

Kevin has toured the USA, Canada, Europe, The Hawian Islands, and Spain…
Being profitient in several styles of music such as jazz, blues, rock, fusion, R n B, funk, classical, and country,...
Has allowed Kevin to play in many bands, and groups ranging from his solo performances, to a 40 piece jazz orchestra…

Kevin ownes, and operates his recording studio:
Curse Buster Sound

…Kevin writes, composes, masters, and records all of his songs in his studio…

…Kevin plays all of the instruments on his songs…

…Kevin says “If I could do only one thing right,...Let it be music that inspires people to do the right thing”...

…The Blind Mans Music…

A symphony of sound, a melody pure
The blind man’s music, forever enduring
A tapestry woven of notes so fine
Each one a thread, entwined and entwine
It speaks in languages, none can deny
A voice for the voiceless, a song for the sky
It is a light in the darkness, a guide
A way for the blind man to step aside
With every note, it comes alive
A reflection of his soul, it never die
It echoes in the halls of time
A legacy, forever to shine
Though his eyes may not see the light
His music guides him through the night
It is a window to his soul
A beacon, forever to hold
So let us raise a glass to the blind man
And his music, a treasure so grand
For in his notes, we can see
The beauty of life’s symphony.


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